Friday, 26 April 2013

Les derniers jours

I can't actually believe that the time has come to write what will probably be my last blog post from France.
I have now FINISHED working as an English language assistant and will be leaving France in 3 days time. I know I've said it so often, but time really has flown, and all I can say to anyone doing a year abroad next year is make the most of every minute of your time here, as before you know it, it will be over.

I had my last afternoon at my favourite school yesterday, and it was really sad to leave there knowing I would never be going back. The children were really sweet, giving me pictures with their names on so that I will remember one, and one boy, when told that I wasn't coming back after the holidays said: 'ohhh c'est nul!!', meaning that's rubbish. It's nice to know I'll be missed. Jeanine, the teacher I have worked with at this school gave me a picture and information book about Pau, which was so nice of her, it's good to know some of the History of the town where I've spent 7 months living, as I was pretty oblivious to most things before. She also gave me a very pretty bracelet which she informed me her 2 daughters had picked out for me! And of course, a bottle of very tasty looking local wine :)

So, I had a lovely goodbye at this school, promising to keep in touch. The same unfortunately can't be said for my other school, where I spent 2 mornings per week. My last morning was meant to be yesterday, but I recieved an e-mail on Wednesday telling me they wouldn't be there, so bonne continuation and au revoir. I was slightly annoyed as I'm sure they knew about their school outing before Wednesday, and could have told me before so that I could say my goodbyes. Nevermind, you take the good with the bad right?

In other news, we assistants have been making the most of the warm weather and our free time buy visiting the beach! San Sebastian last weekend was great, and I managed to swim in the sea even though it was pretty cold! We took a trip to the pays Basque on wednesday to Saint Jean de Luz, and spent most of the day on the beach and in the sea. Well, in the sea until me and Anna got swept under by a GIANT wave, which left us a little shaked but laughing at the same time.

This weekend will be sad, saying goodbyes to the many friends I've made here, and as much as I'd love to write more, I need to get ready for the first meal of the weekend.

I'll most likely write another post but by then I'll be back in England,

So au revoir from France!

Bises xx

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