Thursday, 4 October 2012

First day at work!

Today was my first day working as an English language assistant in primary schools. I arrived at my first school a little early at 8:40am (without getting lost yey!), and asked to see the directrice (head teacher). However, she told me they weren't actually expecting me this morning!! Strange seen as though I was told I had to start today. She seemed a bit unsure what to do with me, as she said the staff weren't expecting me and therefore they hadn't planned anything, so I explained I was happy to observe just to get a feel for the school and the teaching methods. The first lesson, with a very nice lady called Anne, was very successful, the children were 8 and 9 years old and worked on introductions, and I helped them with their pronunciation. It seems it's very hard to pronounce Kirsty in French, so I had various different names in the classroom. Although, according to my friends here, I don't pronounce my name properly anyway, so it's difficult to tell who's in the wrong!

The second lesson, with Michelle, was slightly more...interesting. Basically, she said I should just teach them whatever, and left me to teach some 6 and 7 year olds who barely spoke a word of english the days of the week. I had no planning, no resources, just my voice. It was probably a very boring lesson for the children, but I was quite proud that I managed to get through that half an hour without having a panic attack!!

The afternoon session was in a different school, in a small village called Artigueloutan (it took me a few days to learn how to pronounce that, but I'm just about there). It's a fair bus ride away from Pau, and I arrived 45 minutes early due to the stupid timings of the bus, but the directeur assured me 'ce n'est pas grave' and showed me to the classroom of the lady I'll be working with. So now, each Monday and Thursday, instead of sitting waiting to start teaching for 45 minutes, I get to work with the kids for a bit longer - suits me. Again, this lady was very lovely, and basically had the kids interview me in English, and they created a mini biography on me. It was interesting, especially when I got asked 'Are you a boy or a girl'! In this school, there's only one English teacher, so all the classes come to her for English, which is pretty cool. I saw a class full of 4 year old French kids, so cute!

So I survived my first day, and I think that's the hardest part over. I still have one other school that I haven't been to yet, and my first day there won't be until next friday, as this friday I have to attend a meeting instead of working. So after that, I think it'll be easy to settle in to a routine and get to know the children and teachers.

Other than working, I've been wondering around the city with the other assistants, enjoying the beautiful weather - for the last few days it's been really hot and sunnny, I even got burnt in the parc yesterday! I had my first bug epidemic last night when some giant creature decided to take residence on my ceiling, but luckily my lovely flatmate Abbi saved my life and disposed of it for me! Let's hope there's not too many more of them!

Looking forward to the weekend, a night out tomorrow and a possible trip to the seaside on saturday!
 A bientôt!xx

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